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5 Biggest Trends In Entrepreneurship That You Need To Follow In 2021

March 31, 2021

The business world has witnessed some dramatic shifts in the last year that has deeply affected the way how we interact, collaborate, and do business. And with the current era being less predictable than ever, it would be highly supportive for brands and entrepreneurs to get some insights into the latest entrepreneurship trends to learn how the current market is evolving.


Let’s take a closer look at what 2021 has in store for the entrepreneurs:


1. Influencer Marketing


Influencer Marketing has skyrocketed in the last two years and it is expected to continue with its impressive growth this year as well. However, there is one specific aspect of influencer marketing that shows promise- Micro-Influencers.


Micro-Influencers generally have less than 25,000 followers on their social media platforms and they are typically focused on a particular niche such as fashion, beauty, marketing, etc. They are more audience-focused and put extra effort into promoting the products as well as answering any questions related to your merchandise.


2. Hybrid Work Model


Companies are actively adapting the new work-place model by getting their workforce operational from home. The latest integration has established itself to be as productive as earlier if not more.


This proved to be beneficial for the entrepreneurs as well because it gives them the opportunity to hire the best candidates from anywhere based entirely on their skills rather than their physical location.


3. Multi-channel Content Approach


With the ever-increasing digital presence of humankind, people are more active on the internet than ever. The use of literally every social media platform is increasing but what does this mean for the influencers?


This gives them the opportunity to make themselves heard and get the word out while using every channel and every content medium.


For example:


  • You can make a blog on a certain topic
  • Then make a video podcast on the same
  • Later you could create small snippets of the same for social media


4. Renewed Email Marketing


Email Marketing is in trend once again is proof that it is not going anywhere soon. Marketers are using new and updated ways to approach their prospects via email marketing. With its reliable and cost-effective approach towards marketing, email marketing can improve your reach.


It provides better ROI for businesses and doesn’t make you be dependent on unreliable social media algorithms. Statistics also show that 73% of Millennials are now preferring emails as a medium of hearing from their favorite brands over any other channels.


5. Focusing On Social Awareness


As people are getting more socially aware in today’s time, they are making sure if the brands or businesses that they follow are aligning with their values. There are some entrepreneurs that are still oblivious to the need for being more socially aware or they avoid having a political stance in order to play safe, but that game has proved to be more dangerous for them.


With millennials and Gen-Z ruling the internet era and being more vocal about their views, they are deliberately choosing brands that share their value.


Studies show that sixty-four percent of internet users are ready to unfollow you depending on your political or social stance.


The Concluding Thoughts


Following the trends are one of the best ways to stay up-to-date with the current strategies and it also provides unparalleled growth to marketers and entrepreneurs in making your business more successful. As a smart entrepreneur, you need to evolve with the evolving times and make the right decisions for the future.