An Interview With Interior Designer, Sherry Schmidt | What Fuels Up The Creativity?

Isn't it amazing how interiors can secretly speak about a story behind it? Sherry Schmidt's one such interior designer whose distinctive designs sourced from global artisans and suppliers create timeless stories in her designing strategy. Known for her highly bespoke interior furnishings and style, Sherry has been bringing her unwavering commitment and creative intelligence for 20 years now into the industry. Talking about professional commitments, there's nothing better than getting involved into the intricacies of a project and closely working on its details to nail the executions, and that's what Sherry's work is admired for. She thrives on building lasting relationships and bringing a fresh breath of air to commercial and residential designs.
Well, there's a lot more to know about her experience and her company Form & Function. So, we decided to meet her, hoping to hear more of her incredible stories and works.
1) You've mentioned how you have studied art and psychology. How did that lead you to your interior designing career?
Absolutely, I love working with people and color. So Interior design was a perfect medium for me to express my art.
2) According to you, when do you know that you have created a "perfect" design for your clients?
To me it’s like a painting, it tells you when it’s done. I will work on editing fine details until the final accessory is placed.
3) What inspires you to create unique and distinct designs every now and then?
When I travel it is my biggest inspiration. Seeing and experiencing different cultures, cities and landscapes the sights, sounds and smells all influence my designs in one way or another.
4) When you are designing for a project, be it commercial or residential, what are the most important aspects of that process?
Following the principles and elements of design – color, light, texture, line, scale, proportion, harmony and so on. Your eyes should continually want to move around a space like a dance.
5) As an expert, what are the pieces of advice that you would want to give people who are looking for interior designers?
Look for a designer that will be able to work with all elements of your project. They will have knowledge of International Building Codes and can make sure with your contractor that the job goes smoothly. A trained professional will also have access to unique lines outside of what is carried at your local stores. Finally, ask to see their work and realize that your home will be unique to what they share with you.