How Falicia Newsome Is Helping Her Clients Boundlessly With Her Notary Business? | An Interview

The entrepreneurial world is constantly changing, and with women being the driving force behind this change, we are witnessing the revolution to make this world a lot more accepting, inspiring and accessible. It is no doubt that women around the world have proved their worth in every field imaginable and are constantly inspiring other aspiring entrepreneurs to do the same.
Falicia Newsome who is a thriving founder of Newsome Notary is such an inspirational personality who is leaving a mark in the entrepreneurial industry with her go-getter attitude. She is an experienced licensed Tax preparer with 500+ clients across the USA. She founded this business in 2015 and has been serving her clients boundlessly with her notary services. She is continuously advancing her skills and making herself equipped with everything there is to know about being the most trustworthy tax preparer in the industry.
We are pleased to welcome Falicia to our platform and through this interview, we aim to get to know her better and will try to uncover some important details about her work.
1). What inspired you towards choosing this line of career and how you found this passion for notary and Tax Preparer?
I was currently working in a corporate position for several years and decided to supplement my income by working as a notary and tax professional as a side gig. I've always had a passion for helping people. I realized I was making more money with my side gigs as I was making working for an employer, at this point the light bulb came on and Newsome Notary was born. I left my employer and haven’t looked back since.
2). You are famously known as a Math Whiz among your clients and contemporaries, what do you think made you earn this title?
I’ve always excelled in math in school and have always been good with numbers and problem-solving. I quickly became the go-to person for complex problems earning me my title. Math skills are very important in my line of work, as a tax preparer is a numbers job. You must understand how to use math to crunch numbers.
3). You founded Newsome Notary in 2015 and also helped countless clients benefit from your services, but can you shed some light on your initial struggles while founding this business?
My initial struggle was managing time when I initially started my business. I was the most unorganized person it was hard for me to stay on track. I also struggled with balancing my work life. I would never turn it off I would work round the clock with little to no sleep. I had to put measures in place and made sure I followed them. I started setting schedules and sticking to them. Start using schedules and planners Managing my mail and phone calls and over time I’ve learned to master these struggles.
4). If I am not wrong, you started working at a pretty young age. Can you please tell our readers the reasonin how this has helped you in your business later?
You’re right I started working when I was 13 years old. Working for someone else you’re always told when you can take a break, how many hours you can work, so forth, and so on. This also played a role in my decision to start my own business. I want to control how much income I bring. I don’t want anyone putting a cap on that.
5). As we can see you are really passionate about your business and determined towards helping your clients. In your opinion, what sets you apart from your competitors?
I think because I’m relatable, I give back to my community and I take care of my clients that’s why they come back year after year.