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Investment Strategies For Sector Rotation

Every investor should think about the dangers before switching between sectors.

August 23, 2021


The economy of the United States is in several stages. There aretimes when it expands or contracts, and these fluctuations might affect howpeople invest. 

When employment, consumer expenditure, and real gross domesticproduct, or GDP, rise, the economy expands. This is also known as a recovery inthe economy. When business activity slows or real GDP declines, the economy contracts. The economy may see lower employment and lower consumer expenditure at this point. The performance of various stock market sectors is influenced by these economic swings. Investors should hold holdings in companies that will outperform the broader market during economic cycles and avoid those that will underperform. 

What Is Sector Rotation And How Does It Work? 

According to the Global Industry Classification Standard, the stockmarket is divided into 11 categories. Consumer discretionary, financials, realestate, and information technology are just a few examples. 

Depending on the stage of the economy, these industries behavedifferently. Some industries may be more susceptible to economic growth thanothers, while some may underperform. 

"Sector rotation is the process of selling out of sectors whenthe economic cycle indicates that they may not perform well, and thenallocating those investable assets into sectors that are likely to perform better on a relative basis when the economic cycle indicates," says Wade Guenther, partner at Wilshire Phoenix in New York. 

Economic activity bounces back and firm earnings improve in theearly stages of expansion, when the economic cycle is moving away from arecession and towards a recovery phase. Consumer discretionary is a frontrunner at this stage because consumers have more money to spend. A rising economy could also boost financials, as banks and other firms profit from low interest rates. 

Investors tend to exit sectors like consumer discretionary orinformation technology during the late stages of the economic cycle becausesome analysts believe future growth estimates would be lower than they would be early in the cycle. 

Strategies For Sector Rotation 

A basic investment strategy is to have a diverse portfolio withinvestments in a range of different areas. Investors should investigate sectorrotation techniques to take advantage of any potential growth opportunities that may arise during economic cycle changes. 

ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, are the favored form of sectorrotation investing, according to experts. Due to their liquidity, cheap expenses,and minimal entrance barriers, these funds have beneficial attributes that make it simple to flow through various sectors. 

The Dangers Of Investing In A Specific Sector 

Buying and selling stocks utilizing a sector rotation strategy canbe difficult, so every investor should think about the dangers before switching between sectors. 

Buying stocks that are positioned to outperform the market is thegoal of successful sector investing. Investing in particular sector stocks canbe a difficult approach to manage your portfolio because single-stock risk exists if the sector rotation does not work out in your favor. 

"There's always the possibility that the stock you're sellingout of outperforms the stock you're buying into," Guenther warns. As aresult, it's critical to know what you're buying at the stock and sector levels.