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Meet The Outdoor Advertising Company That Is Changing The Game

November 18, 2021


Henry Ford once remarked, “A man who quits advertising to save moneyis like a man who stops a clock to save time.” 

Advertising is as old as the company notion itself. Businesses needmore effective advertising choices to attract consumers' attention in a worldof increasing distractions and the fast pace of modern living. 

However, not every advertising channel has kept up with the evolvingneeds of more sophisticated, results-oriented marketers. While digitaladvertising has witnessed substantial innovation in recent years, theout-of-home advertising business (which includes billboards, wallscapes, andmobility assets) has stayed relatively unchanged. For every $1 spent on out-of-home advertising, $5.97 in income is generated. Nonetheless, this channel has a tremendous opportunity to evolve and grow beyond its meagre 13 percent share of the average advertiser's expenditure. 

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising 

Nickelytics is creating an out-of-home (OOH) advertisingmarketplace. Nickelytics is working to bring these same tools and technologiesto the outdoor advertising sector, just how Facebook and Google have continuedto change digital advertising by empowering businesses to develop tailored ad campaignsin minutes. 

Nickelytics' mission is to build the infrastructure that will allowbrands and marketers to run targeted OOH campaigns across a variety of assets(billboards, cars, digital signs, and so on) with the same ease and power as apay-per-click (PPC) campaign. This platform will bring together chances toreach consumers in a way that the OOH sector has yet to achieve by connecting the suppliers of these assets. 

“Half of the money I spend on advertising is squandered; the problemis, I have no idea which half,” John Wanamaker explained. 

According to Wanamaker, this occurred around the turn of thecentury, in the twentieth century. Since then, Wanamaker's remark has sparkedheated controversy. While media conglomerates and IT behemoths have been tryingfeverishly to disprove him, Nickelytics is working to provide a more specificfocus on performance and remarketing to the OOH industry. 

Nickelytics is going beyond simple media asset aggregation toimprove efficiency. They're using existing technology and a slew of datapartners to push for better performance accountability in the outdooradvertising business. All while allowing for unprecedented retargeting andremarketing options for people who have been exposed to the brand message. 

The Nickelytics platform takes it a step further by allowingattribution to determine whether a customer came to a store, made a transactionon their website, or downloaded an app. 

So, where do we go from here? 

Nickelytics is concentrating on forming the technological and mediarelationships required to put Judah's and the executive team's vision intoaction. With the support of top technological, operational, and marketingindustry talent, Nickelytics is set to offer both opportunity and impact in amarketing field ripe for innovation. 

“We are witnessing enormous interest for what we are building,”Longgrear remarked. “This is something that both brands and advertisingagencies view as making their jobs easier and more effective. But the truethrill for me is witnessing the Nickelytics team perceive this as aonce-in-a-lifetime commercial and creative opportunity.”